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Command and Rule over your Shell

Sultan is a Python package for interfacing with command-line utilities, like yum, apt-get, or ls, in a Pythonic manner. It lets you run command-line utilities using simple function calls.

Here is how you’d use Sultan:

from sultan.api import Sultan

# simple way
s = Sultan()
s.sudo("yum install -y tree").run()

# with context management (recommended)
with Sultan.load(sudo=True) as s:
    s.yum("install -y tree").run()

What if we want to install this command on a remote machine? You can easily achieve this using context management:

with open(sudo=True, hostname="") as s:
    s.yum("install -y tree").run()

If you enter a wrong command, Sultan will print out details you need to debug and find the problem quickly.

Here, the same command was run on a Mac:

In [1]: with Sultan.load(sudo=True) as s:
  ...:     s.yum("install -y tree").run()
[sultan]: sudo su - root -c 'yum install -y tree;'
[sultan]: Unable to run 'sudo su - root -c 'yum install -y tree;''
[sultan]: --{ TRACEBACK }----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sultan]: | Traceback (most recent call last):
[sultan]: |   File "/Users/davydany/projects/aeroxis/sultan/src/sultan/", line 159, in run
[sultan]: |     stdout = subprocess.check_output(commands, shell=True, stderr=stderr)
[sultan]: |   File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 573, in check_output
[sultan]: |     raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
[sultan]: | CalledProcessError: Command 'sudo su - root -c 'yum install -y tree;'' returned non-zero exit status 127
[sultan]: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sultan]: --{ STDERR }-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[sultan]: | -sh: yum: command not found
[sultan]: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Want to get started? Simply install Sultan, and start writing your clean code:

pip install --upgrade sultan

If you have more questions, check the docs!